Discover a world of vibrant colors and premium quality paints at Erin Mills Paint & Decor, your trusted Benjamin Moore retailer and trusted Benjamin Moore Paint Store In Mississauga ON. Explore our extensive collection of top-notch paints and coatings, expertly tailored to transform your living spaces. Visit us today for exceptional service, expert advice, and a paint shopping experience that exceeds your expectations.

Erin Mills Paint & Decor - Benjamin Moore Retailer
ClaimedBusiness and InvestmentPhone(905) 858-1708
Address 5636 Glen Erin Drive, Unit 5,, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5M 6B1
Erin Mills Paint & Decor - Benjamin Moore Retailer
ClaimedBusiness and InvestmentPhone(905) 858-1708
Address 5636 Glen Erin Drive, Unit 5,, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5M 6B1